

This is a quick reference cheat sheet for Docker. And you can find the most common Docker commands here.

#Getting Started

#Getting started

Create and run a container in background

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started

  • -d - Run the container in detached mode
  • -p 80:80 - Map port 80 to port 80 in the container
  • docker/getting-started - The image to use

Create and run a container in foreground

$ docker run -it -p 8001:8080 --name my-nginx nginx

  • -it - Interactive bash mode
  • -p 8001:8080 - Map port 8001 to port 8080 in the container
  • --name my-nginx - Specify a name
  • nginx - The image to use

#General commands

Example Description
docker ps List running containers
docker ps -a List all containers
docker ps -s List running containers
(with CPU / memory)
docker images List all images
docker exec -it <container> bash Connecting to container
docker logs <container> Shows container's console log
docker stop <container> Stop a container
docker restart <container> Restart a container
docker rm <container> Remove a container
docker port <container> Shows container's port mapping
docker top <container> List processes
docker kill <container> Kill a container

Parameter <container> can be container id or name

#Docker Containers

#Starting & Stopping

Description Example
docker start my-nginx Starting
docker stop my-nginx Stopping
docker restart my-nginx Restarting
docker pause my-nginx Pausing
docker unpause my-nginx Unpausing
docker wait my-nginx Blocking a Container
docker kill my-nginx Sending a SIGKILL
docker attach my-nginx Connecting to an Existing Container


Example Description
docker ps List running containers
docker ps -a List all containers
docker logs my-nginx Container Logs
docker inspect my-nginx Inspecting Containers
docker events my-nginx Containers Events
docker port my-nginx Public Ports
docker top my-nginx Running Processes
docker stats my-nginx Container Resource Usage
docker diff my-nginx Lists the changes made to a container.


docker create [options] IMAGE
  -a, --attach               # attach stdout/err
  -i, --interactive          # attach stdin (interactive)
  -t, --tty                  # pseudo-tty
      --name NAME            # name your image
  -p, --publish 5000:5000    # port map (host:container)
      --expose 5432          # expose a port to containers
  -P, --publish-all          # publish all ports
      --link container:alias # linking
  -v, --volume `pwd`:/app    # mount (absolute paths needed)
  -e, --env NAME=hello       # env vars


$ docker create --name my_redis --expose 6379 redis:3.0.2


Renaming a Container

docker rename my-nginx my-nginx

Removing a Container

docker rm my-nginx

Updating a Container

docker update --cpu-shares 512 -m 300M my-nginx

#Docker Images


Example Description
docker images Listing images
docker rmi nginx Removing an image
docker load < ubuntu.tar.gz Loading a tarred repository
docker load --input ubuntu.tar Loading a tarred repository
docker save busybox > ubuntu.tar Save an image to a tar archive
docker history Showing the history of an image
docker commit nginx Save a container as an image.
docker tag nginx eon01/nginx Tagging an image
docker push eon01/nginx Pushing an image

#Building Images

$ docker build .
$ docker build github.com/creack/docker-firefox
$ docker build - < Dockerfile
$ docker build - < context.tar.gz
$ docker build -t eon/my-nginx .
$ docker build -f myOtherDockerfile .
$ curl example.com/remote/Dockerfile | docker build -f - .

#Docker Networking


Removing a network

docker network rm MyOverlayNetwork

Listing networks

docker network ls

Getting information about a network

docker network inspect MyOverlayNetwork

Connecting a running container to a network

docker network connect MyOverlayNetwork nginx

Connecting a container to a network when it starts

docker run -it -d --network=MyOverlayNetwork nginx

Disconnecting a container from a network

docker network disconnect MyOverlayNetwork nginx

#Creating Networks

docker network create -d overlay MyOverlayNetwork

docker network create -d bridge MyBridgeNetwork

docker network create -d overlay \
  --subnet= \
  --subnet= \
  --gateway= \
  --gateway= \
  --ip-range= \
  --aux-address="my-router=" \
  --aux-address="my-switch=" \
  --aux-address="my-printer=" \
  --aux-address="my-nas=" \

#Clean Up

#Clean All

Cleans up dangling images, containers, volumes, and networks (ie, not associated with a container)

docker system prune

Additionally, remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images)

docker system prune -a


Stop all running containers

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Delete stopped containers

docker container prune


Remove all dangling (not tagged and is not associated with a container) images:

docker image prune

Remove all images which are not used by existing containers

docker image prune -a


docker volume prune

Remove all volumes not used by at least one container


#Docker Hub

Docker Syntax Description
docker search search_word Search docker hub for images.
docker pull user/image Downloads an image from docker hub.
docker login Authenticate to docker hub
docker push user/image Uploads an image to docker hub.

#Registry commands

Login to a Registry

$ docker login
$ docker login localhost:8080

Logout from a Registry

$ docker logout
$ docker logout localhost:8080

Searching an Image

$ docker search nginx
$ docker search nginx --stars=3 --no-trunc busybox

Pulling an Image

$ docker pull nginx
$ docker pull eon01/nginx localhost:5000/myadmin/nginx

Pushing an Image

$ docker push eon01/nginx
$ docker push eon01/nginx localhost:5000/myadmin/nginx

#Batch clean

Example Description
docker stop -f $(docker ps -a -q) Stopping all containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) Removing all containers
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) Removing all images


Check volumes

$ docker volume ls

Cleanup unused volumes

$ docker volume prune