

A visual cheat-sheet for the 116 keyboard shortcuts found in Firefox

#Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Left Back
Ctrl Right Forward
Alt Home Home
Ctrl O Open File
Ctrl R Reload
Ctrl Shift R Reload (override cache)
Ctrl . Stop

#Current Page

Shortcut Action
Tab Focus Next Link or Input Field
Shift Tab Focus Previous Link or Input Field
Space Go Down a Screen
Shift Space Go Up a Screen
Ctrl Down Go to Bottom of Page
Ctrl Up Go to Top of Page
F6 Move to Next Frame
Shift F6 Move to Previous Frame
Ctrl P Print
Ctrl S Save Page As
Ctrl + Zoom In
Ctrl - Zoom Out
Ctrl 0 Zoom Reset


Shortcut Action
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl X Cut
Backspace Delete
Home Go to Beginning of Line
End Go to End of Line
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl Shift V Paste (as plain text)
Ctrl Shift Z Redo
Ctrl A Select All
Ctrl Z Undo
Shortcut Action
Ctrl F Find
Ctrl G Find Again
Ctrl Shift G Find Previous
' Quick Find within link-text only
/ Quick Find
Esc Close the Find or Quick Find bar
Ctrl K Focus Search bar
Ctrl Up/Down Change the Default Search Engine
Alt Up/Down View menu to switch, add, or manage search engines

#Windows and Tabs

Shortcut Action
Ctrl W Close Tab
Ctrl Shift W Close Window
Ctrl Tab Cycle through Tabs in Recently Used Order
Ctrl Q Quit
Ctrl Alt Left Go one Tab to the Left
Ctrl Alt Right Go one Tab to the Right
Ctrl Shift PgUp Move Tab Left
Ctrl Shift PgDown Move Tab Right
Ctrl Shift Home Move Tab in focus to start
Ctrl Shift End Move Tab in focus to end
Ctrl M Mute/Unmute Audio
Ctrl T New Tab
Ctrl N New Window
Ctrl Shift P New Private Window
Alt Enter Open Address in New Foreground Tab
Enter Open Focused Bookmark or Link in Current Tab
Ctrl Enter Open Focused Bookmark in New Foreground Tab
Ctrl Shift Enter Open Focused Bookmark in New Background Tab
Ctrl Enter Open Focused Link in New Background Tab
Shift Enter Open Focused Bookmark or Link in New Window
Ctrl Shift T Undo Close Tab
Ctrl Shift N Undo Close Window
Ctrl 1-8 Select Tab 1-8
Ctrl 9 Select Last Tab
Ctrl Shift X Moves the URL left or right


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift H History sidebar
Ctrl Shift Delete Clear Recent History


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift D Bookmark All Tabs
Ctrl D Bookmark This Page
Ctrl B Bookmarks sidebar
Ctrl Shift S Library window (Bookmarks)
(search field in Library) Space Search for all Bookmarks


Shortcut Action
Ctrl J Downloads
Ctrl Shift A Add-ons
Ctrl Alt I Toggle Developer Tools
Ctrl Alt K Web Console
Ctrl Alt C Inspector
Ctrl Alt S Debugger
Shift F7 Style Editor
Shift F5 Profiler
Ctrl Alt E Network
Shift F2 Developer Toolbar
Ctrl Alt M Responsive Design View
Shift F4 Scratchpad
Ctrl U Page Source
Ctrl Shift J Browser Console
Ctrl I Page Info

#PDF Viewer

Shortcut Action
N/J/Right Next page
P/K/Left Previous page
Ctrl + Zoom in
Ctrl - Zoom out
Ctrl 0 Automatic Zoom
R Rotate the document clockwise
Ctrl R Rotate counterclockwise
Ctrl Alt P Switch to Presentation Mode
S Choose Text Selection Tool
H Choose Hand Tool
Ctrl Alt G Focus the Page Number input box


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Enter Complete .com address
Shift Enter Complete .net address
Ctrl Shift Enter Complete .org address
Shift Delete Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry
Ctrl Shift F Toggle Full Screen
Ctrl Alt R Toggle Reader Mode
F7 Caret Browsing
Ctrl L Select Location Bar

#Media Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Space Toggle Play/Pause
Down Decrease volume
Up Increase volume
Ctrl Down Mute audio
Ctrl Up Unmute audio
Left Seek back 15 seconds
Ctrl Left Seek back 10%
Right Seek forward 15 seconds
Ctrl Right Seek forward 10%
Home Seek to the beginning
End Seek to the end

#Also see